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Today, on the Women and Manufacturing Podcast, Ellen shares with Fran her experiences, good and bad, as a woman in manufacturing and the wisdom she’s gained along the way, including the importance of all women sharing what they’ve learned, collaborating and cooperating with other women in the interest of overcoming any barrier to success.

⏱ Reading Time: 2 minutes The Good Food Institute recently reported that the number one constraint to scaling up the alternative protein sector is the issue of manufacturing capacity. Building facilities from scratch is very expensive and also time-consuming. The article offers for consideration that repurposing facilities and equipment should be explored. While that may be a satisfactory alternative in...

⏱ Reading Time: 5 minutes Don Mitchell wanted to retire. But like so many lower middle-market manufacturing business owners, retirement required selling his company. And advertising its “for sale” status on the open market required an exposure he couldn’t gamble — exposure that risked revealing trade secrets he’d worked decades to protect. Sound familiar? If you sympathize with Don, you’re...