Guidewheel Is Helping Manufacturers Reach Sustainable Peak Performance


Today, on the Woman and Manufacturing Podcast,  Fran Brunelle talks with Lauren Dunford, CEO of Guidewheel, a global software company. This company is on a mission to empower all the world’s factories to reach sustainable peak performance, and Lauren is on a mission to show everyone how Guidewheel is making this a reality. Lauren shares with Fran how even the oldest manufacturing equipment can take advantage of Guidewheel’s technology to achieve peak performance. Their simple, non-invasive sensors clip over the power supply of any machine or auxiliary equipment. Data is sent securely to the cloud in real-time, analyzed, and translated into key metrics and visuals accessible on any device, anywhere. Lauren covers not only the many benefits of Guidewheel’s services but also her personal journey from Stanford University to CEO.

Meet Our Guest, Lauren Dunford. 

Lauren Dunford is CEO of Guidewheel, a global software company on a mission to empower all the world’s factories to reach sustainable peak performance with plug-and-play cloud-powered FactoryOps. Lauren brings a BA and MBA from Stanford University, a dozen years of experience in supply chain and operations. She and her team currently work with 100+ manufacturers across seven countries. Guidewheel has been recognized by the World Economic Forum as one of the 100 most promising global companies poised to make a significant impact on business and society through supporting manufacturers to increase efficiency and perform better and better over time.

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