Bridging Manufacturing and Marketing Disconnect with Emily Wilkins


Today, on the Women and Manufacturing Podcast,  Fran Brunelle sits down with Emily Wilkins, Founder and CEO of Marketing Metal. In this episode, Emily explains why her company is successful while other marketing agencies struggle to meet manufacturing companies in the middle. From hesitancy when handing over marketing to inexperience in laying out goals and misunderstanding why marketing is needed at all, the reasons for disconnect are seemingly endless. Emily explains the importance of attracting (and retaining) talent and vendors, how marketing can be a fun and exciting team-building tool, why you need a good website, and why Marketing Metal prioritizes pulling manufacturing companies into the marketing process.

Meet Our Guest, Emily Wilkins

Emily Wilkins is the imagineer behind Marketing Metal, the “anti-agency” designed to help small manufacturing business leaders create Real positive impact in their communities and the world at large. Her Radical process gives these trailblazers exactly what they need to skyrocket—in just a few days.

With an engineering background and nearly a decade of experience being the “one-woman marketing show” behind a handful of small job shops, Emily saw how painful it was for them to market themselves and work with marketing agencies. She also saw a greater opportunity for these small shops to leverage their marketing efforts for team building, engagement, and recruiting. Using her sharp wit and shiny disposition, Emily starts by uncovering the “metal” in your business–the magic “stuff” that makes you, your team, and your service offering Magnetic to the humans you want to attract. She and her team then turn that raw material into the marketing strategy, plan, and content that you can be excited about and that will truly make you truly stand out from your competition.

She’s here today to explain why the world needs you to be Radical, why you should be the one directing your marketing content, and how you can do it in a way that doesn’t suck. Whether you want to attract awesome customers, killer vendors, rockstar talent or the undying support of your community, Emily believes you have to get Radical or get lost.

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