⏱ Reading Time: < 1 minute Our client, a Mid Atlantic based machine shop owner, is looking to retire and put his almost twenty years of hard work into new hands. The company services the engineered wood industry, a market that is trending within the United States with a 10% rise in 2013 over the prior year. There are no signs...

⏱ Reading Time: < 1 minute Why excel in just one industry, when you can excel in 11? After almost 40 years of hard work and dedication, our client – the owner of a metal stamping job shop – is looking to ease into retirement by selling his business. This metal stamping job shop has provided services in 11 industries, including...

⏱ Reading Time: < 1 minute The triple threat that ensures year over year growth of 11.5% is a combination of three different skill sets not often found in a fabricating shop. This NJ based fabricating shop is also skilled in welding AND machining. Most fab shops have to farm out work in these categories, but our client does it all...

⏱ Reading Time: < 1 minute As a machine shop owner, wouldn’t you love to have customers like Pratt & Whitney, Sikorsky, Otis & Becton Dickinson? Have you been trying to become an approved vendor for some of these names for years without success? Success is only one small acquisition away. Our client has been providing tools to these four big...

⏱ Reading Time: 2 minutes New roadways are constantly being erected, replaced or broadened. As long as roads and highways are being built, pavement repair and restoration will be necessary. And without exception, everywhere, you will find cave-ins, potholes and crumbling pavement. There’s an alarming rate of damaged and distressed roadways throughout the country and the world – and they...