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⏱ Reading Time: < 1 minute “Cool” Business for Sale – Hot off the Press! If you’ve been contemplating a manufacturing business purchase, this is the time to DIVE IN. Our client is a leading fiberglass pool manufacturer in the east central area, operating in a business friendly state. They distribute their products in the USA, Canada and the Caribbean. They...

⏱ Reading Time: 2 minutes As I write this, it’s the 4th of July and I am on a wonderful lake in NH with family and friends. I’ve heard so many people in this lake community complain about having to head back to work tomorrow. They’ve complained about their jobs, their employers and the lack of control they have over...

⏱ Reading Time: 2 minutes An Easy Entry to Great Cash Flow in the Manufacturing Sector   Companies with over 50 years of successful history spanning two different ownerships with great cash flow an ease of transition are impossible to find, right? Add in a skilled staff so the owner doesn’t have to touch the manufacturing process, an industry giant...

⏱ Reading Time: 2 minutes In a word, YES! Manufacturing business owners all over the country are faced with this dilemma – they want out, but their partner refuses to sell. Sometimes it’s the other way around: the partner is older and wants out, but you’re still paying for your kid’s college tuition and you need to work for another...