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⏱ Reading Time: < 1 minute If you’ve been looking to acquire a niche manufacturer that is highly profitable and has little competition, now is the perfect opportunity. has just exclusively listed a northeast based manufacturer of machine tool accessories that has been in business since 1980 and has quadrupled in size over the last 15 years. Has competition with...

⏱ Reading Time: 2 minutes Could your company experience its best year ever if you were on vacation for four months out of the year? Accelerated has exclusively listed a service provider to the pump & valve industry whose sales are up almost 40% for the year with no signs of slowing down. They serve 13 states with virtually no...

⏱ Reading Time: 2 minutes The numbers don’t lie – with average profit margin reaching an incredible 50%, this is the opportunity of a lifetime for any company looking to expand through acquisition! After almost thirty years, our clients are ready to sell their Northeast based manufacturing company specializing in all types of flow control equipment and systems. Despite the...