Acquisition Opportunity – Small Business Continuously Wins Against Large Competitors!

Small Business
⏱ Reading Time: 2 minutes

Small BusinessThe numbers don’t lie – with average profit margin reaching an incredible 50%, this is the opportunity of a lifetime for any company looking to expand through acquisition!

After almost thirty years, our clients are ready to sell their Northeast based manufacturing company specializing in all types of flow control equipment and systems. Despite the presence of large competitors, this company has been able to grow for almost thirty years. What sets this company apart from their competition is that all repair and replacement parts are manufactured in house – this means jobs are done in just days, whereas larger competitors may take weeks.

The ability to repair and replace quickly is what gives this company their 50% profit margin with emergency jobs. The profit margins for other work ranges from 35-40%. Along with their reputation for fast turn repairs, the company’s diversity of industries also helps it grow in a market of large competitors. Their work is spread over a broad range of industries, providing insurance of development from beginning to end.

American infrastructure is expected to be in dire need of repairs in the coming years – acquiring the most well known and respected name in flow control equipment and systems manufacturer in their service area could see skyrocketed growth and profits.

Contact us today if you are interested in this exciting opportunity! The time to act is now!

Phone: 908-387-1000


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