Acquisition Opportunity – Company Sales Up 40%

Acquisition Opportunity
⏱ Reading Time: 2 minutes

Pump RepairCould your company experience its best year ever if you were on vacation for four months out of the year? Accelerated has exclusively listed a service provider to the pump & valve industry whose sales are up almost 40% for the year with no signs of slowing down. They serve 13 states with virtually no competition. Serving multiple industries, their client list reads like a “who’s who” in business & government and includes names like:

  • US Army Corp of Engineers
  • US Navy
  • Pratt & Whitney
  • Sikorsky
  • Pfizer
  • NavSea
  • GDF Suez
  • Major Water Companies
  • Townships & Counties Throughout The Northeast

Will this growth trend continue? The American Society of Civil Engineers published a report card on our nation’s aging infrastructure. The current grade is a D+ and they report that $3.6 trillion will have to be spent by 2020 to avoid catastrophe. Here’s the fun part. Our client’s custom solutions cost less than half the price of the giant OEMs and can be complete in a fraction of the time. To truly understand the growth potential in just ONE of the sectors this company serves, Google the term “US County Budget Problems.” What you’ll discover is that counties and townships nationwide are experiencing deficits. The crumbling infrastructure doesn’t care that there’s a budget deficit and these repairs will NOT wait. This company is perfectly poised for exponential growth!

But wait….there’s more! The company boasts a YOUNG team of skilled machinists and a kickass sales manager. SDE is between $460,000 to $525,000 each year. The company has a strategic location in New England with the building available for sale or lease from the company’s founder. The opportunity is priced at $2.45 million. For more information request an NDA by emailing

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