Ohio State University’s New Manufacturing Degree Program

Degree Program
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Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology (BSET) Degree Program

With the resurgence of manufacturing in America, it has become increasingly important to get the youth of America interested in manufacturing as a career. To combat the disinterest in the past few decades, many high schools and colleges have been making strides in offering programs and grants in manufacturing. Last fall The Ohio State University launched a new degree program. The degree will be a bachelor of science in engineering technology (BSET) with a concentration in manufacturing. This degree is currently offered on 3 of their campuses: Lima, Mansfield, and Marion, and will be offered in Newark beginning autumn of 2023. The BSET program is extremely hands-on and offers a lot of first-hand experience in its courses. Students are offered the chance to have a mentor in the industry, and even the opportunity to go on visits to companies to see real-world applications of what they are learning.

Ohio State Partnership

Ohio State has also secured a partnership with the Ford Lima Engine Plant. This partnership will offer a training center to provide students in the BSET program with laboratory experiences as well as a new way to learn. The training center will be named The Ohio State Lima Engineering Education and Manufacturing Center (EECM). Adding this center on will give the students even more hands-on experience and will offer them insight on what they could actually be doing in a job once they graduate. Ohio State also just renewed its partnership with Honda for another 5 years. Throughout their partnership, they have partnered on 235 projects, had 200 internships/Co-ops, and have hired more than 80 Ohio State undergrads for full-time positions. Honda also has a scholarship available for students who major in mechanical engineering along with other engineering professions.

Resurgence of Manufacturing

This program was created because of the resurgence of manufacturing in Ohio. Manufacturing is Ohio’s largest economy. Due to this resurgence, there is high demand for college graduates to have experience and skills in manufacturing. This is due to the skills gap in the younger generations because of the low level of interest. Programs like these help to bridge that gap and set up the younger generations to take over the manufacturing world. The program also looks like it’s gaining some traction. In its first year, it attracted attention and had 49 students enroll. This enrollment is expected to grow 55% in the next year. These programs are essential to help manufacturing grow and to keep young students interested.

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