If You’re a Small Arms Manufacturer – What’s Missing From Your Arsenal?

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There may be no happy accidents, but there ARE fortunate opportunities. Here’s yours if you’re already a producer of small arms. Business may be good right now but any smart business professional knows it takes more than just moxie to stay ahead of the game. It’s no secret that in order to enjoy sustainability, you need to be innovative, inventive and pioneering.


So if you have the machining chops and capabilities to build small arms products but come up a bit short in the design department, well then this opportunity is your chance to have it ALL.


Our client is a US-based designer of small arms, specifically tactical rifles. Not a design house, but a visionary inventor enterprise that has brought products with unique, never-been-seen-before features to the industry. Their recognized patented products have received industry acclaim in trade publications, Hollywood movies and television shows.


Furthering his experience as a former Executive of R&D for one of the nation’s largest arms manufacturers and law enforcement official, the founder of this company took first-year sales of $75,00 to $1,970,000 in just 4 short years.


Staying the course, our client wants to shift all patents, trademarks and production to an acquiring company affording him the rigorous attention needed for new product development.


This remarkable opportunity is your winning ticket to a guaranteed, lead position in your industry. Are you interested in being more than just a manufacturer IN the small arms sector? Be cutting-edge in the industry – Contact us at info@AcceleratedMfgBrokers.com for more information, including a BIP request. 

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