U.S. Based Small Arms Manufacturer

Small Arms Manufacturer
⏱ Reading Time: 2 minutes

Are you currently working in a single sector within the manufacturing industry? Have you considered expanding beyond a shaky and isolated course for your business in order to perpetuate success? Then, perhaps you’ve thought about how long it would take to establish yourself in another sector and quickly became discouraged and rejected the idea. You can submit to a dicey path or you can press the “easy button” and boldly position yourself within an industry poised for exponential growth.

Our client is a US Based designer of small arms, specifically tactical rifles.  This small arms manufacturer’s patented products are innovative and recognizable in the industry, acclaimed in trade publications and featured in Hollywood movies and television shows.

This company’s founder and entrepreneurial innovator took first-year sales of $75,000 to $1,970,000 in 2013 and previously served as an Executive of Research and Development for one of America’s largest arms manufacturers.

An ideal partner for this company, who will remain an innovative product development firm, is one that has strong production capabilities with the ability to mass-produce and market this designer’s current and future inventions.

An acquiring entity will immensely benefit from this small arms manufacturer’s unique and patented products.

In a few short years, they have created a brand that is desired and recognizable. Current political chatter causing not only our client’s sales but overall industry sales to skyrocket, combined with best in class products makes for the “perfect storm” of opportunity for a company seeking to position themselves quickly within the small arms industry.

This small arms manufacturer’s 2013 sales were 2.4 times that of the prior year. If the company maintains the current growth trajectory they will achieve $27 million in sales in less than two years. This and the right of first and last refusal on all newly developed industry technologies place this company at the top of the list for acquisition.

Our client’s leading reputation and excellence in innovation will guarantee the acquiring entity a continued pattern of growth and wealth in the industry.

For more information request an NDA by emailing: info@acceleratedmfgbrokers.com or fill out our contact form HERE.

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