Manufacturing Customers Who Want To Pay More For Quality & Custom Products – Every Manufacturer’s Dream

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How would you like to add $3 million in annual sales and over $850K in SDE to YOUR company this year?  Sound too good to be true? Now, let’s add a product line, trademarks, sales throughout North America and a 30-year history in an industry slated to grow 24% in the next few years. If you’re a large fabricating house and have room to add to your existing operation, and you’d like to have your own product line rather than simply survive as a job shop … THIS is for you. Oh, but wait, there’s more! Do your customers haggle over price? How would you like to work in a sector where customers crave custom and quality solutions AND they’re willing to pay a premium for it?

You can acquire your way into EXACTLY this type of situation. We’ve exclusively listed a supplier of process equipment for the foundry industry. Most large fabricating houses would know how to manufacture the equipment. The skilled and dedicated engineering staff, which would stay with an acquiring entity, can navigate the custom design and installation of the products. If you’ve ever wanted a trademarked product line, but were too busy to navigate the process, consider an acquisition to position yourself in precisely the place you desire.

If you’d like to learn more, request an NDA by emailing Are you undecided? Are you making 40-60% margins? This company is! Call us today at 908-387-1000 to learn more.

At we work exclusively with manufacturers nationally. We can find an appropriate acquisition for your company’s forward planning, no matter what your size.  Let us know what your criteria is for your ideal company by filling out our Buyer Registration Form.

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