Acquire a Company With A Client List to Kill For

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12583637_s-300x300Accelerated Mfg Brokers has the exclusive listing of a CNC job shop with real estate. This acquisition is the answer to the million-dollar question every company has – How do I find new customers? If you’re looking for new or more business, this small-in-size company has some heavyweight clientele:






Pratt & Whitney

Picatinny Arsenal

United Technologies


General Dynamics

L’Oreal Cosmetics

Allison Gas Turbine

National Water Lift



This company does work for entities that many machine shops would love to get into!! A new owner will instantly inherit some big name clients. The road’s already been paved with this company’s extensive history and strong business relationships with longtime customers.

The company also has a consistent track record and numbers despite not marketing themselves at all. This presents an amazing opportunity! Even with moderate promotion, an acquiring entity can obtain other business from the clients they already provide services to and target their clientele’s competitors for an even more robust high profile customer list.

For more information about this opportunity and to request the NDA please contact:



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