A Manufacturer Of Equipment Needed In Every Country, State & City In The World

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pavement-repairThe Accelerated Group has exclusively listed a company that manufacturers pavement repair and restoration equipment. Their products have been sold in over 30 countries. This patent pending GREEN technology uses 1/7th the carbon footprint of conventional methods of pavement restoration. The technology provides for the only true seamless restoration process, which does not allow water to seep under the repair, for a longer lasting result. The use of the company’s products are extremely cost effective with a fraction of repair material being used and extremely faster repair time requiring less manpower and equipment. Many successful businesses have been spawned by the purchase of the company’s equipment. For this reason we believe that the company may be an incredible opportunity for franchise development.

The company has over $600,000 in equipment, $2.7 million in pending orders and Seller’s Discretionary earnings topping $500K.

This company is competitively priced, including prime real estate at $5,999,900.00. Email info@AcceleratedMfgBrokers.com to learn more.




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