As a successful manufacturer you already know the cost associated with obtaining new customers. You also know the lifetime value of a customer to your organization. Building a solid manufacturing business that is successful and diversified in customers and industries served can take decades to build. But what if you could dramatically speed the process of acquiring new customers, diversifying your own customer base and at the same time reduce the cost of new customer acquisition? You absolutely can!
Smart manufacturers seek growth through acquisition to add cash flow, customers and diversification all in one move. Acquisition can help accelerate your company’s growth beyond your competitors, or it can eliminate your competitors. It can get you where you want to be faster, and it’s not as complicated as you think. Working with a skilled intermediary like Accelerated Manufacturing Brokers, Inc., frees you to concentrate on your business while we narrow the search to only the choicest companies.
Here’s three simple things you can do that won’t cost you anything
- Consider signing up for our Listing Alert. Signing up for our listing alert will provide you with a first glance at our listings before they are widely advertised.
- Register as a buyer. Buyer Registration allows you to provide detailed information about your search criteria, allowing us to assist you in reaching your acquisition goal quicker.
- If you’re ready to purchase a manufacturing business now, consider reading 101 Questions You Must Ask Before Buying A Manufacturing Company.
In almost all instances the Seller pays our fee. If you, like so many companies, have had difficulty finding appropriate acquisitions, you’ll like dealing with us. Our clients represent some of the best manufacturing acquisitions in the nation. If you’re seeking acquisition within the manufacturing sectors, you’ll like the Accelerated Way!
If you have additional questions, contact us at