Finally Turn Your Underutilized Equipment Into Cash

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old latheBusiness is booming, the shop floor is bustling & the machines are humming. It’s music to a manufacturer’s ears!


Even if we didn’t have over 20 years of experience as industrial auctioneers, we’d still know that sometimes when business is good, some things get neglected. As you’re busily building your business running back and forth, doing this and that, you can’t help but notice those under-utilized machines in the corner and everyday you think to yourself “dang, I really need to do something with that”. Well now it’s been several months maybe even years and you’re still scratching your head saying the same thing!


Accelerated Buy Sell, Inc. can help you! We can turn your under-utilized machines & tools into cash in just 30 days while getting you the best market driven prices out there. We’ll help create some cash flow and capital so that you can keep expanding your business. So stop scratching your head & give us a call. Let us help you get rid of that idle, outdated equipment and make room for those upgraded pieces of machinery that will help contribute to better profit & compliment your growing business!

Click here to catch our Limited Time Offer Discount….Contract with us to auction your machinery by December 31, 2014.


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