Can You Sell My Manufacturing Business Before 2017 Year End?

By: Frances Brunelle

ready to sell my business

Typically at the start of each year, manufacturing business owners who are close to retirement will vow that THIS will be the year they retire. They promise their wives and their grandchildren that before year’s end, they’ll have more time to spend with their loved ones, more time for travel and time to enjoy the fruits of their labor. As in all things, life sometimes gets in the way of promises we make and the plans to achieve them. Big orders come in or changes in staff occur that occupy our time. It seems the older we get, the faster time flies. With the summer coming to a close, many business owners examine how much progress they’ve made towards their goals. Often as Labor Day approaches, my office will get bombarded with communication asking if the caller’s manufacturing company can still be sold prior to the end of the year.

Increased Manufacturing M&A Activity, September – December 2017

Interestingly, large firms seeking to make acquisitions are going through the same process of determining their year-to-date progress and what acquisitions they can close prior to year-end. Individual buyers, large corporations and private equities are all contemplating similar determinations at this time of year. This makes September through December an accelerated time of M & A activity. It’s a time when the professionals at Accelerated Manufacturing Brokers, Inc. work harder than ever to make dreams come true. Dreams of retirement for our clients, and dreams of entrepreneurship for our buyers. It’s actually not too late to sell or acquire by the end of the year. We’ve had a Chicago area listing for only about a month. In that time we’ve brought in 9 different buying groups, many of which are submitting offers. The deal will likely close before Thanksgiving. An accelerated time frame for sure, but totally doable. It’s doable in part because both sides want speed and closure before year’s end.

It’s Not Too Late To Sell In 2017

If you vowed to sell and retire from your manufacturing business before the end of 2017, it’s not too late and we can help you get to the finish line, but you’ll have to act quickly. Businesses that hope to sell this year will have to be valued, listed, packaged and ready for market launch right after Labor Day weekend. Contact us to learn more and find out if YOUR manufacturing business can be marketed and sold before the end of 2017:

By Phone: 908-387-1000
By Email:
Or Simply Fill Out Our Seller’s Form – Click Here.

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