The Path To Growing Your Manufacturing Company

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Growing Your Manufacturing Company

The path to growing a manufacturing company is very different depending on where you are in the business’s life cycle. Many owners are in growth mode. In addition to equipment modernization to increase capabilities and throughput, you’re likely also working on customer acquisition initiatives. Later in the business lifecycle, many owners realize that growth may come through the transition to new ownership to ensure the company’s continuity.

In the Growth Phase 

For those still in growth mode, your next steps are likely different depending on what the enterprise might be lacking. You might consider acquiring another company to expand your current product offerings or establish a geographic foothold in a particular market. For others, growth mode means that they need to seek a partner because they’ve reached a plateau, which they either don’t have the capital or know-how to rise above. 

Approaching the Exit Phase

For those at the end of the business life cycle, the concerns are very different. These concerns might include understanding the value of the company and whether or not a sale will be enough to fund the desired retirement lifestyle. Most manufacturing business owners at this stage want to ensure that the company will continue and thrive after their exit and that the employees will be well cared for.

Finding Expert Help For Each Phase

As the nation’s premier Manufacturing M&A firm we’ve had 30 successful years of helping manufacturers navigate all of the above issues. Specialization in M&A is critical to helping manufacturers get to the right acquisition, the right growth partner, or the right acquirer. How can a company that specializes in nothing find the right fit for your highly specialized manufacturing company? There’s a better way with no upfront fees and a no-cost consultation.

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