Social Media Success in Manufacturing Featuring Kennametal, Inc.

⏱ Reading Time: 3 minutes

Where do you go first when you’re looking for products, tips, or reviews? Google, right? Well, it’s the same for consumers checking out your brand. Just as you rely on Google for information, having a robust online presence, primarily through social media, is crucial. These factors also make your manufacturing business more valuable and appealing to potential buyers when the time comes to sell your business.

That being said, I was curious to see how manufacturers effectively use social media, not just mentioning their social channels on their websites but truly making the most of these platforms. One company stood out and hit the nail on the head! That company is Kennametal, Inc.  Kennametal, Inc. is a global industrial technology leader delivering productivity to customers through materials science, tooling, and wear-resistant solutions. (Sited from LinkedIn)

Now, let’s highlight what social media platforms they actively use and the type of content they share to enhance their online presence and brand awareness.


  • Images: Showcasing product highlights, expert tips, Holidays, employee recognition, and engaging with customers through visual content.
  • Videos: Sharing product demos and behind-the-scenes looks and promoting manufacturing education and outreach.
  • Text-based Content: Providing company updates, product discounts & offers, educational posts, community-building content, company mission statement & values.
  • Interactive Content: Encouraging engagement through polls and engaging with customers by creating fun and relevant content related to their industry.


  • Videos: Featuring product demos, product comparisons, behind-the-scenes looks, how-to guides, event coverage, testimonials, and Company mission statement & values.


  • Images: Tell visual stories, showcase products, support causes, and create content on topics to raise awareness and promote positive change.
  • Videos: Sharing product demos, behind-the-scenes looks, educational content, and employee recognition.
  • Interactive Content: Interactive e-bookshelves and guides, Q&A, Myth busters, encouraging participation through their content.


  • Images: Visual representations of company data (multi-year growth plans) and information relevant to their industry. Thought leadership visuals Use of targeted ads.
  • Text-based Content: Sharing industry insights, thought leadership, company updates, and opportunities for employment and showcasing new hires. News and events from their other locations. Company mission statement & values.
  • Videos: Including guides, expert tips, and success stories, showcases team-building events.


By using the same variations of content mentioned in the above sections. Kennametal uses Twitter as follows:

  • Engage with followers: Respond to comments and mentions. Retweet and engage with content from other industry leaders and organizations.
  • Highlights Products and New Tech: Showcases their products, new product launches, and innovations.
  • Industry Highlights: Tweets about trends, news, and insights within their industry.
  • Employee & Company Spotlight: Introduces team members and highlights their company culture. Showcases team-building events.

Kennametal utilizes appropriate industry hashtags on all their social media platforms to increase their visibility and are consistent with their posting schedule. Here is an excellent article from HubSpot on how often you should post: How Often to Post to Social Media in 2024.

As you read over their content, you’ll notice that the same topics are repeated across their platforms. This is a strategy called repurposing. It’s an excellent and smart move when managing multiple social platforms. Repurposing content means taking what you already have and adjusting it to different formats for each platform. This lets you make the most of your content across various platforms and helps your brand appeal to different audiences. Not to mention, repurposing your content is also a huge time saver by eliminating the constant need to create new content from scratch!

Kennametal, Inc. has embraced social media and set the benchmark for manufacturers in using these platforms intentionally. I can’t speak about their paid advertising, but I can say that they are killing it by using the free tools each platform has available.

AMB Pro Tip –You don’t need to run out and buy the latest and greatest videography equipment. Using your phone to snap quick videos and pictures works just as effectively. For content graphics, is a great user-friendly tool. At the end of the day, general consumers are not looking to see how well you use your equipment; they want to see the value in your products and get a glimpse into your company culture. For more information on the benefits of using social media marketing for manufacturers, read our previous article, Social Media Marketing – Benefits for Manufacturing Business.

View Kennametal, Inc.’s social media channels: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. 

If you’re a manufacturing company owner who believes your social media presence sets you apart, we’d love to hear from you! Reach out to us, and you could be featured in our next article. Submit your information here: 


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