Looking to Expand? Service More Industries? Small Job Shop, Big Acquisition

Looking to Expand
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For 30+ years, this small-scale CNC job shop has made large-scale strides. Starting off with only a few clients, this one-man shop has earned long-term success in a variety of industries including Cosmetic, Medical, Aerospace, Military, Valve & Pump, Gas Turbine and more.

Three decades of maintaining an unfailing track record and numbers, ALL without marketing themselves- more than substantiates that this company will be around for the long haul!

Upgrading over the years and purchasing mostly brand new equipment pushed this job shop over the edge, fulfilling quality orders every time and on time for long-served and brand new customers alike. An acquiring entity would get their hands on:

  • Real estate that can be rented out or sold. The real estate ALONE is worth the asking price!
  • Leading industry names that every job shop would want to provide services to
  • A long-established business with an impeccable reputation

If you’re interested in learning more about this winning acquisition contact us.



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