Growing Your Manufacturing Company Through Acquisition

⏱ Reading Time: 2 minutes

You’re probably busy doing what most of our manufacturing customers are – building your manufacturing business for success! So you’re probably not looking to sell your company any time soon. You know that growing a bigger and better business will ultimately mean that you’ll get a bigger and better payout when that time comes.

Expanding through acquisition is a really great way to accelerate the growth of your company. And sure, there are other ways you can do it. But in our 20+ years of helping out the manufacturing industry, acquisition has regularly proven to be faster, cheaper and many times less risky than traditional methods of growth.

You can gain market share, take out a competitor, diversify your customer base and increase your sales in one transaction.  A manufacturing company seeking to double their output and sales might take years to accomplish this through traditional means, and the cost is many times prohibitive.  You have to spend marketing dollars, and hire salespeople to position your company to get new business.  Then there is the problem of overhead, (building, machines, staff & systems).  Expansion through acquisition is the easier method: customers are already in place, as well as the means to supply product to them.

We can help you explore the opportunity of an acquisition to expand your business. We are business brokers that work exclusively with manufacturers, so ONLY the appropriate opportunities are passed on to you.

We keep comprehensive and extensive records with criteria specifics that allow us to cut to the chase, saving everyone involved, time and money.

Expansion through acquisition can be easy and affordable. Give us a call or email us to find out more.


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