Build a Winning Team of Advisors PRIOR to the Sale of Your Company

Winning Team
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Build a Winning Team of Advisors PRIOR to the Sale of Your Company

Winning Team

You have made the decision to sell your manufacturing company! Congrats! Let the planning begin! Yes, P-L-A-N-N-I-N-G. And based on everything you’ve read, you know the best outcomes occur when your finances are in place and aligned, and you have a solid exit strategy.

This is truly one of those “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunities. The single biggest thing you can do to prepare for the sale, and secure the best possible outcome for you and your family is to assemble a team of professionals who are skilled at these types of transactions. By identifying key players in advance, the closing process can be expedited and less stressful for everyone. Below is a list of professionals you’ll want on your team and the role they’ll play.


Manufacturing Business Broker

➢ Find a reputable one – one that belongs to the International Business Brokers Association and/or M&A Source. These individuals have met the highest standards of education, ethics and professionalism.

➢ Also referred to as an “intermediary”, they will guide you through the process from listing to sitting at the selling table with you.

➢ They will perform a valuation of your company.

➢ They will provide a marketing plan to sell your business.

➢ They have a network of potential buyers they will qualify before sending to you for consideration.

➢ Confidentiality is critical during this process and should be discussed upfront.



During the sale of your company your accountant will play two key roles – preparation & tax planning.


Your accountant should provide tax returns for the last three years in order for a valuation to be completed by the business broker. Audited financial statements are the most relied upon and worth the spend when you’re preparing to sell your business

Additionally, buyers will want to see income statements and balance sheets that match your tax returns.

Tax Planning

At closing, you will receive a substantial chunk of change that you will want to make sure is managed in such a way that you are not getting crushed with taxes. If your accountant isn’t savvy in this area, have them direct you to someone who is.


Business Transaction Attorney

While you may have an attorney who’s “been with you for a while”, or a “friend from the club”, unless they specialize in mergers & acquisitions or business transfers, you may want to ask your friend or your accountant for a recommendation.

We’ve experienced closings with and without attorneys who specialize in business acquisitions or M&A’s. The level of organization and expertise the specialists provide is worth every penny. Get a few names, interview them, ask for references. These individuals will assist with:

➢ Listing contract review
➢ Develop Purchase & Sale Agreement
➢ Vetting out any real estate agreements, equipment leases, shareholder agreements, employment agreements, supplier contracts, distribution agreements, intellectual property rights
➢ Ensure compliance with all federal, state and local regulations and tax issues


Financial/Estate Planner

Most sellers have two objectives when selling their business:
➢ Maximizing the sale price
➢ Minimizing the tax implications

The sale of your business can create what is known as “a liquidity event” for you and your family. Without proper planning, this event will have a substantial impact on income taxes, cash flow and wealth transfer plans. A financial planner can help you:41467704 - business plan planning strategy meeting conference seminar concept

➢ Maximize deductions to minimize the income tax on capital gains
➢ Establish sensible ways to transfer assets to the next generation
➢ Identify tax-deferred trust

All of these players, working together, will help you financially and emotionally move through this transition confidently and securely.

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