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⏱ Reading Time: 2 minutes You’re probably busy doing what most of our manufacturing customers are – building your manufacturing business for success! So you’re probably not looking to sell your company any time soon. You know that growing a bigger and better business will ultimately mean that you’ll get a bigger and better payout when that time comes. Expanding...

⏱ Reading Time: < 1 minute For 30+ years, this small-scale CNC job shop has made large-scale strides. Starting off with only a few clients, this one-man shop has earned long-term success in a variety of industries including Cosmetic, Medical, Aerospace, Military, Valve & Pump, Gas Turbine and more. Three decades of maintaining an unfailing track record and numbers, ALL without...

⏱ Reading Time: < 1 minute Precise dosing in the medical industry can be a matter of life and death. Our client, a Northeast based CNC shop is no stranger to critical applications and working in acute tolerances. They’ve earned an impeccable reputation serving the measuring device industry for two solid generations.   This ultra modern machine shop is the sole...

⏱ Reading Time: 4 minutes While conducting my daily research, on the hunt for interesting and helpful information to pass on to our manufacturing readership, I came across a familiar face. This isn’t surprising to me, especially since Drew Greenblatt, President and Owner of Marlin Steel Wire Products, LLC is plenty known, well at least in manufacturing/business circles. He holds...